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Monday, October 31, 2011

Google+ Capai 40 Juta Pengguna dalam 1 bulan

Situs jejaring sosial atau social network terbaru Google+ tampaknya menunjukkan eksistensinya sebagai pesaing Facebook. Dalam kesempatan yang dirilis kamis kemarin co-founder sekaligus chief executive Google, Larry Page menyatakan bahwa sosial media miliknya saat ini sudah memiliki 40 juta pengguna. Wow.. sangat fantastis!

“Masyarakat saling berbondong-bondong untuk memiliki akun Google+, padahal kami baru saja memulai situs ini,” demikian tutur Larry Page.

Empat bulan kemarin kami merilis Google+ dan kini kami akan segera menambahkan beberapa bagian Google kedalamnya,”

Page juga menambahkan bahwa jutaan foto telah di ‘share’ melalui Google+ dan beberapa fitur sosial media tersebut masih dalam godokan timnya.

“Ibaratnya kami masih bayi jika dipandang dalam bentuk teknologi yang akan bisa kami sampaikan. Tapi tools yang akan kami benamkan ke dalam Google+ akan membuat situs jejaring kami berbeda dalam lima tahun kedepan,”

Google+ dibuka secara umum pada 20 September lalu dan pertumbuhannya memang dirasa sangat cepat jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan awal Facebook. Google+ pun semakin berkembang dengan penambahan beberapa fitur baru. Diantaranya ‘Hangouts’ yang memungkinkan chat online dengan menggunakan kamera smartphone atau membroadcast video presentasi untuk bisa dilihat oleh pengguna tertentu dengan menggunakan ‘Hangouts On Air’.
Apakah anda sudah memiliki akun google plus? untuk mendaftarnya cukup mudah anda harus punya akun google mail dan login disini

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Google Mulai Mempersiapkan Toko Musik Online-nya Sendiri

Google berencana untuk bersaing dengan layanan musik dari Apple dan Amazon, tepatnya Google ingin membuka toko musiknya sendiri, dimana akan dibuka beberapa minggu lagi sebagai pelengkap dari Google Music Beta, sebagaimana menurut sebuah laporan.
New York Times melaporkan bahwa toko musik ala Google ini akan terhubung dengan Google Music Beta, layanan musik berbasis cloud dari Google.

Perwakilan Google belum ada yang menanggapi resmi mengenai laporan tersebut.

Langkah Google ini diperkirakan hadir sebagai tantangan terhadap layanan musik cloud dari Apple, iTunes Match, yang akan dirilis untuk publik akhir bulan ini. Layanan Apple tersebut, masih tahap beta, menyimpan koleksi MP3 pengguna di cloud, dengan biaya $24,99 per tahun. Sedangkan untuk Amazon, ada Amazon Cloud Player, yang mengenakan biaya $20 per tahun, tidak memiliki batas jumlah lagu. Google Music Beta membatasi hanya 20.000 lagu.

Saat ini Google masih dalam tahap negosiasi dengan label musik terhadap peluncuran toko musik online ini.
yaaa kita tunggu saja mudah mudahan toko musik online google segera di buka...

iCloud Sudah Tersedia Di iTunes 10.5

iCloud Sudah Tersedia Di iTunes 10.5
Versi iTunes terbaru, 10.5 dengan fitur iCloud kini sudah hadir. Setelah berbulan-bulan dengan status beta, ini adalah rilis publik pertama yang berfungsi dengan layanan cloud milik Apple.

Ini adalah awalan penting demi peluncuran resmi iOS 5, dimana fitur iCloud ini akan hadir ke jutaan perangkat iOS di seluruh dunia. iCloud adalah fitur baru Apple yang memungkinkan koneksi nirkabel tersinkronisasi dengan baik antara perangkat Apple lainnya, mulai dari Mac, iPhone, iPad, dan iPod Touch (PC juga mendapatkannya).

Layanan iCloud membuat iTunes bisa melakukan unduh otomatis dari perangkat Apple manapun, riwayat pembelian dari iTunes, dan tak lupa, iTunes Match.

Dengan adanya iCloud ini, diharapkan ketergantungan pada aplikasi iTunes berkurang, karena nantinya iPhone dan iPad bisa diaktifkan secara nirkabel, dengan koleksi musik anda yang diunduh dari iTunes Match, data yang disimpan di iCloud, dan update software iOS anda secara OTA (over the air).

iTunes 10.5 tersedia di situs resmi atau bisa melalui aplikasi Apple Software Update

Facebook Membeli Situs Tanya-Jawab

Berita terbaru dan unik dari situs jejeraing sosial paling populer di dunia, Facebook mengumumkan bahwa Senin kemarin mereka telah membeli situs tanya-jawab

“Kami sangat bersemangat untuk memberikan informasi bahwa baru-baru ini kami telah mengakuisisi, sebuah perusahaan Silicon Valley yang baru berkembang yang mampu menciptakan cara yang menarik untuk mengeksplorasi individu melalui sarana tanya-jawab,” demikian tutur juru bicara Facebook kepada AFP.

Tak dijelaskan seberapa besar uang yang dirogoh oleh situs yang di dirikan olehMark Zuckerberg serta mereka masih merahasiakan kapan proses akuisisi tersebut akan selesai.

Tim dari akan bekerja secara terpisah dari Facebook. Dikabarkan sosial media ini akan membuat gebrakan baru beberapa waktu kedepan setelah masuknya ke lingkaran Facebook.

Tim akan berfokus pada proyek bari Facebook dan mereka akan melanjutkan kerja mereka sebagai bagian yang terpisah dari Facebook, tambah juru bicara Facebook lagi.

Seperti yang diketahui Facebook sendiri sudah memiliki fasilitas tanya jawab berupa poling yang bisa kita pakai. Dimungkinkan dengan adanya fitur baru dari fasiltas facebook dalam mengeksplorasi orang akan semakin bervariasi dan tentu saja menyenangkan.

F-Secure Tawarkan Scan Malware Online

Sudah amankah PC yang anda gunakan dari serangan virus, malware atau sejenisnya? Kadang Anda harus repot-repot untuk menginstal berbagai anti virus dan melakukan update setiap harinya.
F-Secure, salah satu perusahaan internet yang fokus pada sistem keamanan memberikan alternatif baru bagi Anda yang ingin mengecek kondisi PC, agar terbebas dari berbagai serangan malware yang biasanya kerap terjadi bagi pengguna yang sering melakukan interaksi online.

Untuk menggunakan aplikasi scan online yang ditawarkan oleh F-Secure, Anda harus mengunjungi situs resminya. Tentunya aplikasi online ini berjalan di atas platform Java Runtime Environment (JRE) yang harus ada di peramban (browser) Anda contohnya Mozila.

Anda tidak usah risau dengan update dari scan online tersebut, karena secara otomatis pihak F-Secure telah membuatnya secara khusus untuk melakukan definisi dari setiap virus dan malware yang muncul setiap saat.

Selain itu, cara penggunaan scan online dari F-Secure ini terbilang sangat user friendly dengan sistem navigasi yang memudahkan hampir mirip dengan anti virus offline pada biasanya.

Jadi, tertarik untuk memeriksa keadaan PC Anda saat ini? Segera kunjungi situsnya dan aplikasi F-Secure tersedia secara gratis Disini...

Microsoft Luncurkan Situs Web Browser Keamanan

Persaingan browser diantara para penguasa teknologi memang tidak pernah berhenti, sebut saja Mozilla dengan Firefox  yang kini kian melejit.

Namun, siapa sangka Microsoft yang memiliki produk yang bernama Internet Explorer (IE) punya cara baru untuk memperkenalkannya bagi pengguna alias netter. Sebuah situs yang beralamat di menjadi daya tarik sendiri untuk menarik minat pengguna internet.

Seperti dikutip dari, dari sekian banyak perusahaan di dunia mengatakan bahwa 24,4% dari semua peramban (browser) sudah ketinggalan jaman dan tidak aman. Dari jumlah tersebut, 15,2% termasuk IE versi 6 dan 7, memang terbilang aneh dimana peramban milik Microsoft sendiri yang versi 7 juga termasuk dalam kategori tidak aman dan hanya 7,5% dari sisanya adalah versi Mozilla Firefox yang dinyatakan tidak aman.
Dari data statistik Microsoft, menyebutkan bahwa ini setara dengan 24,4% atau sekitar 340 juta PC di seluruh dunia dalam keadaan tidak aman untuk digunakan (banyaknya situs malware alias situs jahat).

Dalam situs buatan Microsoft tersebut yang mempunyai mitra dengan berbagai pihak ini terlihat begitu signifikan saat kita melakukan cek skor untuk tiga jenis peramban, yakni IE, Chrome dan Firefox, hanya IE yang mendapatkan skor 4 dari skala 4 untuk keamanan dalam berjelajah di internet.

Sedangkan bagi dua rivalnya Chrome hanya berada pada skor 2,5 dan Firefox berada paling akhir dengan skor 2 untuk sisi kemanan dalam berselancar.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Uses Of LED Technology

LED usage has many advantages especially when it comes to saving energy. The LED lightning is very much safer than ordinary bulb lightning, simply because of heating tendency of ordinary bulb. However, in LED this is not the case. Beside this there are lots of other advantages of LED, which are yet to be discovered.LED lights are designed in colors instead of translucent lights. For the first they were introduced for charismas decoration. It was believed that they would not provide any harm to decorations. Since then, technology and design of LEDs is improving and becoming better.

LED is now being used for many different purposes. As mentioned above, they are commonly used in charismas decoration. LEDs are also present in exit signs and traffic lights. As LEDs have more work life than ordinary bulbs they can be utilized in making toys and flashlights. They are very useful in elevator push buttons. Beside these, status indicators installed on all types of technology and equipments are also using LED lightning.

For safer night riding they are also useful in bicycles and motorcycles. LEDs also have some uses in movement sensors and glow lights. Thin lightweight display of LEDs is utilizable at busses, ferries, highway signs, trams, and airports and also at subway stations. LEDs are very useful in eliminating the energy wastage, redubbing electrical risk, and in improving the environment.

They are also present in the light bars of emergency vehicles like ambulance and fire brigade. Now, LEDS are present in the most of the trucks and buses, and high mounted automotive brakes lights. Moreover, remote controls of CD players, television, DVD and stereo also contain infrared LED light. The LED technology is now frequently used in the back lights of LCD television. New equipment of theatrical stage lightning are now been created by using LED for the primary blue-green-red arrangement.

As opposed to the translucent light, LEDs are usually and very effectively are designed in colors. The color range varies from very pale to very dark and can be utilized in many different purposes. The very wonderful idea of using LED technology is the most graspable especially when it comes to searching alternative sources of energy and light. They were used for the first time in the decorations of charismas, and since then they are serving for many different purposes. The ordinary light bulbs generate heat which may result in fire broke out. So, LEDs are very good replacement of ordinary bulbs as this risk is not associated with them.

LEDs are not as inexpensive as they suppose to be. However, technology, designs, and research have been upgraded. Moreover, ways to improve and control the expense of LEDs for utilizing them in many more purposes is continuously under consideration. According to many experts, in near future the modification of LEDs made will overcome the issue of cost. Mainly because of the incredible ability LED technology to last linger as compare to ordinary bulbs and safety issues. The main goal of LED technology is to made it more and more beneficial and useful. Uses Of LED Technology

Looking for the Best Android Tablet 2011

Looking for the Best Android Tablet 2011. Monopoly is never a good thing, and thankfully to counter the iPad and various innovations made in the phone and tablet area by Apple the Android smartphones and tablets have been released. If you have just recently gotten notice of the tablet craze, chances are that you may not know what models you can pick or what to base your selection on. There are many candidates out there that can claim to be some of the best Android tablets, and there are a few specific ones that you should pay attention to.

First off, there is the Samsung Galaxy Tablet, one of the best and most recent models to take the market by storm. Being considered by many as state of the art technology, it features a whole 10.1 inch screen, Wi-Fi capabilities and more than 32GB of hard drive space. It comes with an integrated dual-core processor of the Tegra 2 variety as well as 1GB of ram.

According to the clients who have purchased it, some of the many benefits which come along are the fact that it is incredibly light, sleek and stylish, having very powerful display capabilities making all the colors and details stand out. When it comes to the reliability of the machine, it is likely to be one of the most consisted pieces of technology you have laid your hands on.

This is only one of many models that are out there which may be suitable for you. There is for example the MOTOROLA XOOM Android Tablet, also including a 10.1 inch display capable of displaying whatever you have on-screen in high-definition in a 16:9 format. It's imbued with a dual-core chipset which as you can guess will make any action you take or application you run faster than ever. It even has a gyroscope along with a powerful graphic capabilities as well as built-in hardware acceleration. This baby can be yours for as low as $460.

If you want something that goes a bit more along the lines of heavy-duty machinery, then maybe you should look into the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. Also with a 10.1 inch display and a lightweight design, it is made out of durable materials as well as scratch and dust-resistant glass and is viewable from angles of more than 180 degrees. A custom interface coupled with the ability to access email as easily as it is to browse around various websites, stream movies and play games makes this model great for people who like to move around with their tablet a lot.

All in all, these are only but three of the choices you can take advantage of out there. In reality, there are far more choices than you care to hear about available to you, and without a proper guide to help you find your way in this mess you will probably end up buying something which in the end doesn't suit you at all. Looking for the Best Android Tablet 2011

IPad 3 Release Date

While there has been no set date for the iPad 3 release date, it was actually rumored to happen before thanksgiving. Many people find this to very unlikely and I would tend to agree with them.

This was mentioned by China times but there may be some confusion between the iPad 3 and maybe the iPad 2 HD. So its very possible that we will see a iPad 2 HD released or mentioned before thanksgiving but only time is going to tell. The exact models were not referenced in the magazine so no one still knows for sure the iPad 3 release date.

There are other ways instead of buying and waiting for the new iPad 3, check the page out below at the bottom of the screen if interested!

Although no exact date has been given on when the iPad 3 release date is going to be, there has been reports that early 2012 is confirmed by sources. This is what the wall street journal is saying anyways. There has also been reports of apple trying to ship more out therefore creating a much more smooth release to the iPad 2. Everyone was trying to get one when the iPad 2 was released, but no one could! When the iPad 3 release date happens, we can all be a little more hopeful this time around knowing we have a better chance of grabbing one for ourselves!

So far HP dropped their tablets price drastically and apple is still the lead of the competition with the tablet market they have created. It will be interested to see exactly all the new features that will be included in this new tablet. According to a report the iPad 3 will have a 2048 x 1536 resolution which much higher than the iPad 2's 1024 x 768.

If you dont want to wait for the iPad 3 release date and interested in testing one out for yourself, you may want to join a program to test all the new features yourself!

How to Choose The Best TV Screen Size

When it comes to purchasing a television, some people automatically assume that bigger is better. In reality, there are several factors to consider when it comes to choosing the best screen size. Here are some tips for selecting the right one, from a 26 inch TV for the bedroom to much larger options for the living room or home theatre.

How big is the room?
In most cases, the television should be relative to the size of the room. Therefore, smaller TVs, such as a 22 inch LCD TV, should be used in in the bedroom or study, while larger versions can be placed in common areas such as the living room. From an aesthetics point of view, electronics should not overwhelm the room; instead, they should fit in seamlessly with the rest of the décor.

How far is the viewer from the TV?
Straining to see the television takes away from the viewing experience, so it should be big enough for the viewer to see with little to no effort; after all, watching TV shows and movies should be a leisurely activity. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to how close or far away the seating is from the potential location of the television. If the seating is near the designated spot for the TV then a small, 26 inch TV should work. If the viewers will be sitting far away from the monitor, however, a larger screen is necessary.

What is the purpose of the TV?
Another factor to take into consideration is the use of the television. Will it be used to play video games? If so, consider purchasing a small television like a 26 inch TV that is ideal for everyday use. Are you shopping for a TV that is going to be used in a home theatre? In that case, you might want to upgrade to a much larger model for maximum viewing pleasure. In addition to screen size, pay attention to the image quality of different monitors to get the most out of your television viewing experience. Those with a higher resolution will have a crisper picture and vibrant colours. How to Choose The Best TV Screen Size